dare to be different
24 hours after sugaring
Avoid exfoliating the sugared area for at least 48 hours, even if exfoliation is part of your normal routine.
Avoid excessive sweating since your pores are opened & therefore hair follicles, may become clogged.
Avoid any kind of friction to the area. Yes, this includes sex! Especially if you just had your bikini area sugared.
Avoid touching the area. Don’t pluck, tweeze or shave your freshly sugared skin.
48 hours after sugaring
Exfoliate as needed but with care. Your skin may still be more sensitive than normal.
Protect yourself from the sun using a high quality sunblock.
Avoid lotions and moisturizers that include harsh chemicals or fragrances.
Avoid tanning. The UV light from tanning beds can harm your freshly exfoliated skin.
Avoid swimming. Even chlorinated pools and hot tubs can carry bacteria.
Three days after your sugar, start a daily exfoliation routine with your favorite scrub! This will exfoliate the thin layer of skin away and set that hair free, preventing an infection. Do not scrub too hard.
Moisturize daily using natural products with no additives, preservatives or artificial fragrances.